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“I'm good. I want to be great”

Many consultants already win projects in the online marketplaces and platforms (OMPs) but still benefit from adopting the Indie Intel data, tools, and best practices. 

The Tune Up program is a focused one-month program that reviews your current tools and processes, recommends improvements for efficiency and conversion, and provides access to Indie Intel's tools and templates. 

Tune Up

An online platforms channel strategy in a box. 

What would adding 25% - 40% in new bookings mean to your consulting practice?

Or winning new clients at one half or one quarter of the cost?


Optimizing your OMP go-to-market approach matters. 


Our research is clear–those with more mature strategies see better results.

We invested a lot of time, energy, and iterative design to understand who wins, and why.

Tune Up delivers the power of our Pitching Services best practices for the DIY consultant or firm.

Tune Up includes:

  • Assessment of your current marketplace approach and prospects

  • Personalized recommendation of the best marketplaces for your practice

  • Guided OMP profile setup

  • Playbooks & templates for an efficient scan, pitch, win, deliver  process

  • Cash flow optimization and add-on strategies

  • Three (3) months of access to the OMP Tune Up training library

  • Real-time pitch coaching and deal management support 

  • and more...

Tune Up is $2000 + limited 10% shared success

Indie Intelligence subscribers can save up to $500

Share your email address to schedule a 15-minute call and see if

Tune Up is right for your practice.

Thanks for considering Indie Intel!

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